Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Pantry Project - Update

I'm so glad I posted earlier this week about my pantry. It really kept me on track with this project! I've been meaning to do it for the better part of the summer, but it kept getting put on the back burner. When the kids and I were at Target this week, I picked up some pretty contact paper. And I threw it out to my Facebook friends as to the best place to find foam board. I found it at Dollar Tree!  It was 1/3 the price than Target - which makes a big difference when you buy nine sheets!

I woke up this morning in one of those moods. You know, the kind of mood where you NEED to get something done? Dan hung with the kids and I had at it. I laid the foam board on my shelves and marked where to cut - the board was 20" wide and my shelves are a little more than 16". I then put the contact paper on the top and wrapped it around the sides. I would have gotten a progress or how to shot, but I was on a roll. Like I said, I as in a mood.

Luckily, we don't keep much in terms of boxed foods that expire. I only had two or three things to throw out. It's still a work in progress as I still want to find more clear glass storage containers. But, it is progress! And I really do love it!

Check out the other great posts over at the homestead blog hop!


  1. looks very tidy! make improvements as you can and remember to rotate your supplies!

    1. Thanks, Linda! I appreciate being able to walk all the way into it now!

  2. I love it! I never thought about putting paper down on my pantry shelves. I might do that sometime. It is so pretty! Did you find it at the Dollar Tree near Sams? Or the one in Barboursville near that Target? I'm close to either one.

    I've been organizing my pantry this week also. I went to Sams and did a major stock up and also to Target. I find some great deals at Target and barely even step foot into a WalMart anymore. Maybe twice a year if that! lol

    1. I got the contact paper at the Target in Bridgeport and the foam board at the Dollar Tree in Morgantown - we are on opposite ends of the state :-)

      Do you use the Cartwheel app for Target? I don't go often, but when I do I use it! And I can't remember the last time I was in a Wal-Mart!
