Friday, October 31, 2014

Stocking the Pantry

I've shared my love of my pantry. I am terrible at meal planning. Really and truly horrible. Every time I try it, we end up wasting more food than eating it seems. So, I prefer to have my pantry stocked with staples.

A friend recently told me about a food buying club. We generally get our bulk foods from a co op. But! We can order food from the same place as the co op for much less. I was sold! I placed a large order on Monday and picked it up today.

We got two types of rice, black beans (which we hope to grow our own next summer), salt, some spices, sugar, peanut butter (9# worth), green and red lentils, applesauce, frozen peas, steel cut oats,  raisins, dried cranberries, and a 50# bag of flour. It feels so nice to have our pantry full now! Do you meal plan? Shop in bulk?


  1. even though I live in an RV I do buy some items in bulk. Rice and beans mostly because I can store them in glass (keeps bugs and mice out)

    1. RV living? How fun! I can definitely understand not being able to stock up on much that way. Glad you are doing what you can!

  2. I love to shop in bulk too. Of course, we try to grow as much of our own food as possible, but I love being stocked up on staples we don't grow. It is a good feeling to have a full pantry, isn't it?

    1. It's an awesome feeling! It will be even better when we get to the point where we are growing a lot more food, like you and Dan :-)
