Sunday, July 13, 2014

CSA Sunday and a Farm Visit

We had high hopes of going blueberry picking yesterday. We loaded up the cat and promised the kids lots it blueberry snacks for the ride home. We arrived at the farm.....and....there were no berries. Between a record breaking opening day and wonky weather in late spring, there were no berries left. We were really bummed....but we realized we were only a few miles from Fish Hawk Acres!

Dale and Teresa were busy getting things ready for the market today. Dale needed to run to the farm to get some lettuce for their BLTs for lunch today and we tagged along.

Swiss chard growing in the raised bed

Squash growing - behind the fence were onions, tomatoes, squash...The fields were packed to the brim!

When we got back to the kitchen, Kole helped Teresa make pepperoni rolls. He is really in his element when he's helping in their kitchen - I love it!

And we enjoyed some pepperoni rolls as part of our CSA share this week. Things are coming along in our garden and I harvested green beans this morning. I tried to make my choices for our CSA based on what's not ready in our garden or what we didn't plant.

This week we picked up some pepperoni rolls (not pictured because they were quickly devoured), tomatoes because they're not ripe in our garden, cucumbers, red onions,  and zucchini. I'm going to try some things other than zucchini bread this week!

1 comment:

  1. steam your zucchini and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. I also like adding carrots to this dish makes it pretty
