Sunday, September 11, 2016

'Tis the Season...for Pumpkin!

Labor Day is over, so you know what that means? No more white jeans, right? Or is that "cool" now? I don't know - fashion was never my strong point. No, no...labor day is over and now it means that the grocery stores are going to be flooded with pumpkin E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G! Pumpkin spiced Cheerios. Pumpkin bagels. Pumpkin tea. Pumpkin coffee. Pumpkin peanut butter. So much pumpkin!

I love pumpkin as much as the next fall loving girl, but I prefer to get my pumpkin from the garden. A few years ago, I fell in love with the Long Island Cheese Pumpkin. Good flavor, great yield! They are doing great in my squash jungle this year and I harvested my first one a few weeks ago. They hold well in storage, but since I was looking to start my fall baking, I decided to roast it.

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin

Roasting is simple - cut the pumpkin in half, place cut side down on a cookie sheet, add a little water and pop it in a 350 degree oven. Check on it periodically and when the skin is softened on the pumpkin, pull it out. Let it cool and then scoop the flesh into a food processor. Whiz that baby up and let it drain through some cheesecloth. Measure it out and freeze in quart bags for future use. I freeze mine flat on a cookie sheet first for better stacking in the freezer. You know, when you get a hankering for some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Or maybe some pumpkin bagels. I made some a few years ago...think I might have to pull out that recipe and make them again.

This pumpkin gave me 7 cups of pumpkin puree. Take that canned pumpkin! I have 5 more in the garden, so I should be able to fulfill all my pumpkin dreams this fall and winter. What about you? What's your favorite pumpkin treat?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

House on the Hill Soap Co

Well, it's official - House on the Hill Soap Co is here! After over a year of vacillating on what to do, I've jumped right in. I will be selling my soap at the Bridgeport Farmers Market, Doddridge County Farmers Market, and the Bonds Creek Farm Market will carry a selection.

I won't be at each market every week, but check back here on the blog and I'll let you know where I'll be and what varieties I will have. This Sunday, May 15 is the opening day at the Bridgeport Farmers Market and I will be there! It is located off of I-79, exit 124. Just follow the signs, smells, and sounds that lead you to a truly fun Sunday treat. This week, I will have Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey, Oatmeal & Brown Sugar, and Chocolate Swirl.

I've already had a request for some online ordering, but for the time being I will only be at the markets. If you'd like to set up special orders or arrange for a local pick up, feel free to shoot me an e-mail at I'm no longer on Facebook, but you can find me on Instagram!

I'm so excited to have something I truly love doing and can do it while homeschooling my kids. And you know, keeping up that crazy chicken lady stuff, and growing as much food as we can. Here goes!

Friday, March 25, 2016

A New Journey

If you've been on my Facebook page over the last year, you've probably seen off and on posts about starting a soap business. I've been making soap for my family and friends now for over two years. It's really something I enjoy and I've gotten some great feedback about it. I *think*  finally ready to take the plunge!

I really like making things from scratch, so soap was a no brainer thing for me to start making on our homestead. I have also adjusted the recipe to use tallow, which I have been rendering myself as well.

I'm working my way through the business mumbo jumbo right now - things like insurance and registering my business name. But, be sure to keep an eye out for House on the Hill Soap Co!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chicken Sweater

Chickens in sweaters are awfully cute, but did you know that chickens don't *need* sweaters? Chickens actually have a more difficult time in the summer than they do in the winter. Our coop has no supplemental heat or lighting and our gals fare just fine. I wanted to knit this sweater up just for fun - it really brings out Rose's comb, don't you think?

Be sure to check out my latest Grit blog!